discription in my school

North Central Province which is the largest province in the country covered 16% of total country's land area. North Central Province consist two districts called Polonnaruwa and Anuradhapure. Anuradhapura is the largest district in Sri Lanka. Its area is 7,128 km2.

North Central Province has numerous potentials for Investors to start their Businesses, especially Agriculture, agro based industries and Livestock sectors. More than 65% of North Central Province's people depend on basic Agriculture and agro base industries.NCP also called Wew Bendi Rajje because there are more than 3000 medium and large scale tanks situated in the province. Sri Maha Bodiya, Ruwanweli seya, Thuparama dageba, Abayagiri Monastry, Polonnaruwa Rankot wehera, Lankathilake are scared places in North Central Province.

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